/my/messages/group/GROUP_NAME link doesn't work

On my site, the following link does not work:

Grassroots Justice Network Community Discussions (private)

but this one does:

Profile - tobiaseigen - Grassroots Justice Network Community Discussions (private)

They should both link to the same place, just like /my/messages or /my/messages/sent links to /users/tobiaseigen/messages and /users/tobiaseigen/messages/sent


I think the reason mostly because of this line in users#my_redirect

raise Discourse::NotFound if params[:path] !~ /[1]+$/

Underscore are not present in regex. So group names with underscore will not be redirected. Not sure why underscore is not added.

I would like to add PR unless there was some other reason for this. :smiley:

Edit: Numbers are also present in the regex. Should it also be added?

  1. a-z-/ ↩ī¸Ž


Looks like you are right about the underscores. Other group inboxes work fine, e.g

Profile - tobiaseigen - Grassroots Justice Network Community Discussions

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I have added a PR for this