Mybb Migration

Hello everyone!

So I have a Mybb forum currently which is not actually that big in terms of posts and members but because of it being an old application and not being mobile friendly I am seriously looking at Discourse with a lot of interest. It is clean and modern and I feel this is going to be good for my community.

I have read the tutorial on how to Migrate a MyBB forum to Discourse but it is old and I have seen some people say they’ve ran into a lot of brick walls with it.

My question is, is it still relevant and does it still work and if it doesn’t and needs to involve a developer it’s not really going to be possible because my forum is a non profit community. So what then would you all advise I do going forward from here?

Also another question I have is what would be the best and cheapest hosting option for Discourse? A lot of people have recommended Digital Ocean but I was wondering if there’s any other options out there

If Digital Ocean is the better option, would Discourse run and work on a 1 GB ram package?

Those instructions are for a Mac. Every import is a little different. You might not need to be a developer to make it work, but if you’re not comfortable Wyeth the command line and setting up mysql (or allowing remote access to it), it might be difficult.

You might follow a different guide that uses a production install, you’d just change what script you run.

And then the issue of whether it works with your data is also an unknown, but you don’t know until you try.