Went to my discourse this morning and I was logged out. I went to login and I got an “Unknown Error”. I tried to reset password or use a magic login email, but got a “Forbidden” message.
After some investigation and rebuild on the backend side I determined this was entirely a front-end issue. Other users can login and use the discourse just fine.
I’m using the latest Firefox on Windows 11. If I use a private browsing window or a different browser, I can login and use the site without issue.
I cleared all my local data for the site in Firefox an then I was able to login using a non-private window.
However, a very short while later I was forcibly logged out again. I got a “You have been logged out” message. When I try to login again I see the “Unknown Error”. If I check the JS Console when logging in, there is an error that says: “BAD CSRF”. Something to do with the newest Firefox maybe?