New Forum Home Page - Wondering If This is a Possibility

I’m a product designer and I own a Photography based forum (in Brazil) and I’m working if someone would like to perhaps work on a version or a few versions of a forum home page like this… (or flavors of it)

The idea is that we can grab the sub-categories from a MAIN category (Example: Galleries) and show it as a WALL like this for inspiration and invitation to participate…

This would be only shown (possibly) to “logged out” users.


With the new custom-homepage route we have a neat way to implement such a landing page. And yes, we could show some components on that landing page to everyone (like the search banner) and others to visitors or members only.

But a landing page needs to blend in with the overall experience. To me that would define the overall scope of the customization: align the interface across views and integrate layout elements like the sidebar menu.