New install on ionos ubuntu 22.04 vps keeps failing

new install on ionos ubuntu 22.04 vps keeps failing

first domain was loading up and smtp failed then even domain not even loading

like browser saying error page taking too long to respond

already installed in digitalocean perfectly and having backup now want to move just away from digitalocean or for ionos any specific methods
os ubunut 22.04 , even nginx status not working so weird

@ JammyDodger please help me buddy

You may need to provide more detail so people can better help you. How far did you get with the standard install instructions, and what issues did you encounter? Does nuking this one and starting fresh give you the same results?


What SMTP mail-sender are you using?

Probably a dns issue.

yes done around 10 times

using cloudflare also not an issue so far previously while on DO now just on ionos even then installed successfully changing ip in cloudflare and also got successfull installation 3-4 times but smtp alone killed now even installation complete done but even at browser level site not opening where and how to check log give me commands and even if you need anydesk will send details for this went faar to services like cleavr etc because already my site was installed at do and running due to cost now moving to ionos thats where things broke

it seems dns and do issue might be will get back

can someone please send a simple full vps backup script to s3 from ionos vps and restoration command from storing that externally with rotational backup method for 3 days would be voila great and grateful to you guys

or recommend a server management service please

This site can’t be reached even after many so tired please help me guys dns is ok can anyone pm me for more help now have a clean install done still…

Then you’re likely rate limited by let’s encrypt.

If it’s not DNS-only, then it’s likely why you are not rate lmited by let’s encrypt.

Misconfigured SMTP will not cause the site not to load.

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how to solve this limiting by letsencrypting

Set up Let’s Encrypt with multiple domains / redirects or wait a week.


will wait sir with patience and considering your time issues thanks

ses from aws

what should cloudflare ssl setting flexible or full or strict sir

Cloudflare should be DNS only.

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i checked app logs command its show clearly on letsencrypt rate limiting and given me some time to try again will post back thanks sir

I have Ionos and Cloudflare and 22.04. Cloudflare can break the site. Try using DNS from the place you have your domain. I used GPT a lot during the install.

thanks scott really will reply back soon

If you just use Cloudflare DNS-only (not orange cloud) there is no problem with their DNS.

You can wait a week, use a different subdomain, or (much more complicated) add a second cert as in the link I posted earlier.

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