Online Safety Act (New OfCom Rules)

Yup we’re on top of it. We have been monitoring it for most of the year and are prepared.

It’s on both of us. We provide the tools to comply with the OSA (because we have to comply here on Meta) but you are responsible for how you use them.

The key considerations are:

We have this with the illegal content flag that @ondrej posted above, which should trigger you to use the existing tools to remove the content in a compliant way and do the appropriate reporting.

As above – the illegal flag or other custom flag types are available for you to use. We are making a change so that not logged in users can also flag illegal content. Do we have an ETA for that @tobiaseigen?

You will need to define your internal processes yourself, but the data is all logged so you will be able to report on it when required.

See above.

This is on you to create.

Also on you to organise.

Also on you.

And… also on you.