New React.js Template

Hi Alexander, React.js has been selected by developers for many reasons, from the design, docs, community, and ecosystem.

I have been a Web developer since 2012, I experienced the ages when different front-end libraries and tools came out every day. I used jQuery a lot, then backbone, and many self-made libraries. Then I changed to React in 2015, and it’s worked very well for the past seven years. Ember.js was popular, but I must say, nowadays, most developers are using React.js, Vue.js, and Angular.js.

Discourse is working well to date, but after checking the plugin system and searching for the development documents (I’m planning to enrich the Web3 features Contribute Web3 features to Discourse? - General - LXDAO), it feels a little bit hard to build some features immediately for me, a developer with the most common full-stack skills.

I also found the same complaints from China developer communities (probably this is why Discourse isn’t popular in China as WordPress is). So I’m just wondering if we can make Discourse works better if we have a better and updated tech stack.

Don’t get me wrong, I fully understand it’s not an easy and small decision to make, so just post a question here. If we have a plan will see what I can do, if there are no plans, will start learning Ember.js lol