New user of the month, is it working?

You are correct. The entire premise of this badge is flawed and there is no way to fix this without totally rewriting the definition and rules.

@zogstrip we should talk to @dsj and remove this from the forum.

The only concern is the message that not all bugs are fixed and some are just ignored.


Was a user complaining about this? I’m still unclear as to the nature of the actual issue, is this the best example:

Your objection is that this is solely based on average score per post, then? Remember too that there is a floor, a minumum number of posts one must have to even be considered for the badge.

@zogstrip what we could do is change the math a bit to equalize it, add a small constant so someone with a tiny number of posts doesn’t accidentally dominate:

9 / (3 + 5) = 1.13
60 / (30 + 5) = 1.71

Your thoughts @eviltrout? This seems simpler than what you proposed, perhaps?

Here is real world data:

Original code:

[["michael", "2.1666666666666667", 3],
 ["vreihen", "1.4210526315789474", 19],
 ["weather-display", "1.1500000000000000", 10],
 ["pierre", "0.62500000000000000000", 4],
 ["GaryFunk", "0.48055555555555555556", 180]]

Adjusted code:
Last number is the number of unique posts with at least 1

[["GaryFunk", "2.5540540540540541", 37], 
["vreihen", "2.2500000000000000", 12], 
["weather-display", "2.2142857142857143", 7], 
["michael", "2.1666666666666667", 3]]

Raw score:


Yes, I very much like the minimum posts threshold. I think that would fix these issues.


OK so @zogstrip just add a literal hard-coded arbitrary +5 to the SQL as indicated above. That will reduce the impact of people who just barely met the minimum post threshold to get the badge, which is already 3 posts I think.


Has this update been deployed? No rush or pressure.

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This is now done :banana: