January 19, 2022, 7:40am
Finally I installed Discourse Encrypt and I noticed a minor issue. On the warn message after enable encryption the link goes to /my/preferences/account
page not /my/preferences/security
title: "Encrypted Messages"
decrypting: "Decrypting..."
missing_topic_key: "This message could not be decrypted because you have no topic key for this message. Were you invited to this topic?"
invalid_ciphertext: "The message could not be decrypted because the ciphertext of this message is invalid."
invalid_topic_key: "The message could not be decrypted because your topic key is invalid."
invalid_identity: "The message could not be decrypted because the user identity is invalid."
no_backup_warn: "You enabled encryption, but have not yet generated any paper keys. Without any paper keys, you risk losing access to your encrypted messages. To generate a paper key, please navigate to <a href='%{basePath}/my/preferences/account'>user preferences page</a>, press the <kbd>Generate paper key</kbd> button and follow the instructions."
integrity_check_pass: "The integrity check for this post has passed."
integrity_check_fail: "The integrity check for this post has failed (%{fields} mismatch)."
integrity_check_warn_updated_at: "Post metadata was updated without being signed again."
integrity_check_warn_signed_by: "This post was last signed by %{actual}, not %{expected}."
encrypted_title: "A secret message"
encrypted_post: "This is a secret message with end to end encryption. To view it, you must be invited to this topic."
encrypted_post_email: "This is a secret message with end to end encryption. You must visit the topic to view it."
encrypted_post_email_timer_annotation: "This message will be permanently deleted at %{delete_at}"