Letsencrypt cert expired, thought that rebuilding the app would renew the cert ,rebuild done.
Now I get this error nginx: [emerg] PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX("/shared/ssl/javaqna.com.cer") failed (SSL: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE)
I get the message [emerg] PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX("/shared/ssl/javaqna.com.cer") failed (SSL: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE)
Any one help with this issue. not able to understand what is the error with letsencrypt. tried rebuilding by removing ssl folder cert files serveral times as mentioned above, but no luck.
I worked with @Umashankar_Ankuri and this looks like a case where the domain’s IPv6 address was configured incorrectly causing the validation check to fail.