Not sure how to explain as I know now what they are called - eg Topic (T19) Category (T31)

My apologies as the best way I can even explain the pertinent issue is with the labels in parens (t31) (t19) (t99) etc. is there any way to get rid of these? I have searched high and low both on the backend and front end for some sort of indicator of what they are, what they are even called, so I can get rid of them :-). I have searched the internet and the docs high and low, and cannot find any indicator of how to remove them. I love the simple look and feel of discourse and more importantly the stability of the codebase - but I am unsure as to how one can go about removing these? It’s a gorgeous feel and vanilla look right out of the box - but I would love to know how to get rid of those (I have no idea lol).

Sorry, but I have no idea what you are referring to.

Remove them from where exactly?

That’s ‘verbose localization’. It’s there for developers to see what parts of the user interface are translatable. You should be able to toggle it on and off in the admin section. It’s on the Admin>Settings>Developer page.


That’s what I’m saying lol. next to each topic, link, category, login item, everything literally is a letter number combination in parens.

Just saw that Simon… that makes sense - are these visible by anyone other than myself and other named devs in the docker-compose.yml file? Also - I know this is a very stable and intuitive application, adopted by quite a few huge companies - eg landscape. However when I’m logged out - I see the noted parts of the api that are translatable as well - I’m assuming that my ip is hashed in the db unless this is something that can be seen by the user base as well.

FYI I’m just diving into the api and code but it’s already so clean and the functions needed are all on the admin interface and the client as well… unless I need to do some backend work on the server itself - I gotta scale up, I see the memory is getting killed - it’s not the app it’s the users - I just put it up a few days ago. But it’s not quite ready yet. Thank god for swap right now. Need to put it at 4GB of memory and put more compute on it as well or cluster it. I already love how init.d script is build in so reboot issues don’t plague the application at all. Especially in a container. But docker compose is awesome for handling this as long as the parts are there. Plus puma with nginx - great idea on that as well.

My apologies - I actually disabled that - still there - did take away some notations but the majority are still there.

Nope you stand correct. Caching - gone now. I see most of the site can be localized - is there any way to enable this feature and make it viewable to certain level/named users?

I don’t think you can enable it for specific users – but everyone can manually enable it for himself for a single session:

You can find more information in the rest of this topic.