Notifications are coming again even after reading them [Private Topics plugin]

Yes I understand it is hard to pinpoint. That’s why I hoped it would go away after a while but it didn’t.

I think I am having the same problem as this: Users getting notifictations from long ago

Yes I have a standart install but only difference is I am behind Cloudflare. You might think this is because of Cloudflare but before we didn’t had such issue. I don’t think it’s likely.

I couldn’t find anything related to notifications but I am not an expert on this so let me share a quick bit of it maybe your eyes will catch something


MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Failed to send push notification : WebPush::Unauthorized : host:, #<Net::HTTPForbidden 403 Forbidden readbody=true> body: the VAPID credentials in the authorization header do not co
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Failed to handle exception in exception app middleware : ArgumentError : Empty list of attributes passed
Failed to handle exception in exception app middleware : ArgumentError : Empty list of attributes passed
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
DiscoTOC theme/component is throwing errors: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'en')
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Failed to handle exception in exception app middleware : ArgumentError : Empty list of attributes passed
Failed to send push notification : WebPush::Unauthorized : host:, #<Net::HTTPUnauthorized 401 Unauthorized readbody=true> body: {"code":401,"errno":109,"error":"Unaut
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Failed to handle exception in exception app middleware : ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique : PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_topic_tags_on_topic_id_and_t
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Failed to process hijacked response correctly : EOFError : end of file reached
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_min_trust_level` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.anonymous_posting_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/disc
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
Failed to send push notification : WebPush::ResponseError : host:, #<Net::HTTPBadRequest 400 Bad Request readbody=true> body: {"reason":"VapidPkHashMismatch"}
discourse-gifs theme/component is throwing errors: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'en')
DiscoTOC theme/component is throwing errors: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'en')
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
Failed to send push notification : WebPush::Unauthorized : host:, #<Net::HTTPUnauthorized 401 Unauthorized readbody=true> body: {"code":401,"errno":109,"error":"Unaut
Sidekiq is consuming too much memory (using: 558.27M) for '', restarting
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
Failed to send push notification : WebPush::PushServiceError : host:, #<Net::HTTPBadGateway 502 Bad Gateway readbody=true> body: {"code":502,"errno":903,"error":"Bad
Deprecation notice: `SiteSetting.min_trust_level_for_here_mention` has been deprecated. Please use `SiteSetting.here_mention_allowed_groups` instead. (removal in Discourse 3.3) At /var/www/discourse/
Deprecation notice: Jobs::Chat::NotifyMentioned was enqueued with argument values which do not cleanly serialize to/from JSON. This means that the job will be run with slightly different values than t
Deprecation notice: Jobs::Chat::NotifyWatching was enqueued with argument values which do not cleanly serialize to/from JSON. This means that the job will be run with slightly different values than th
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb
MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
Deprecation notice: Jobs::Chat::NotifyMentioned was enqueued with argument values which do not cleanly serialize to/from JSON. This means that the job will be run with slightly different values than t
Deprecation notice: Jobs::Chat::NotifyWatching was enqueued with argument values which do not cleanly serialize to/from JSON. This means that the job will be run with slightly different values than th


Job exception: Net::ReadTimeout
Job exception: Net::ReadTimeout
Job exception: Net::SMTPAuthenticationError
Job exception: Net::SMTPAuthenticationError
Job exception: Net::SMTPAuthenticationError
(google_oauth2) Authentication failure! csrf_detected: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, csrf_detected | CSRF detected
Job exception: Net::ReadTimeout
(github) Authentication failure! csrf_detected: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, csrf_detected | CSRF detected
(discord) Authentication failure! csrf_detected: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, csrf_detected | CSRF detected
default: Failed to pull hotlinked image ( post: 10185 PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicat
Job exception: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pg_type_typname_nsp_index" DETAIL: Key (typname, typnamespace)=(gamification_leaderboard_cache_1_all_time_1, 2200) already exist
(google_oauth2) Authentication failure! invalid_credentials: OAuth2::Error, invalid_grant: Bad Request { "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "Bad Request" }
Job exception: Net::ReadTimeout
Job exception: end of file reached
(github) Authentication failure! csrf_detected: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, csrf_detected | CSRF detected
(twitter) Authentication failure! invalid_credentials: OAuth::Unauthorized, 401 Unauthorized
Job exception: Net::SMTPAuthenticationError
Job exception: end of file reached
(google_oauth2) Authentication failure! csrf_detected: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, csrf_detected | CSRF detected
(google_oauth2) Authentication failure! csrf_detected: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, csrf_detected | CSRF detected
Job exception: Net::ReadTimeout
Job exception: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1)
Job exception: end of file reached
Job exception: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1)
(discord) Authentication failure! csrf_detected: OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2::CallbackError, csrf_detected | CSRF detected
Job exception: Net::ReadTimeout
Job exception: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1)


ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "categories" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT "categories"."id" FROM "categories" LEFT JOIN categor...
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "user_auth_tokens" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT "user_auth_tokens".* FROM "user_auth_tokens" WHERE ((...
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "user_auth_tokens" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT "user_auth_tokens".* FROM "user_auth_tokens" WHERE ((...
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "user_auth_tokens" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT "user_auth_tokens".* FROM "user_auth_tokens" WHERE ((...
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "user_auth_tokens" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT "user_auth_tokens".* FROM "user_auth_tokens" WHERE ((...
Regexp::TimeoutError (regexp match timeout) lib/crawler_detection.rb:38:in `match?' lib/crawler_detection.rb:38:in `crawler?' lib/middleware/anonymous_cache.rb:129:in `is_crawler?' (eval):2:in `__comp
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::InFailedSqlTransaction: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block ) lib/post_action_creator.rb:295:in `rescue in creat
NoMethodError (undefined method `title' for nil:NilClass) app/models/reviewable_queued_post.rb:166:in `perform_revise_and_reject_post' app/models/reviewable.rb:331:in `public_send' app/models/reviewab
ArgumentError (Empty list of attributes passed) lib/plugin/instance.rb:522:in `block in on' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `block in trigger' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `trigger' app/models/post_mover
ArgumentError (Empty list of attributes passed) lib/plugin/instance.rb:522:in `block in on' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `block in trigger' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `trigger' app/models/post_mover
ArgumentError (Empty list of attributes passed) lib/plugin/instance.rb:522:in `block in on' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `block in trigger' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `trigger' app/models/post_mover
NoMethodError (undefined method `title' for nil:NilClass) app/models/reviewable_queued_post.rb:166:in `perform_revise_and_reject_post' app/models/reviewable.rb:331:in `public_send' app/models/reviewab
ArgumentError (Empty list of attributes passed) lib/plugin/instance.rb:522:in `block in on' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `block in trigger' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `trigger' app/models/post_mover
ArgumentError (Empty list of attributes passed) lib/plugin/instance.rb:522:in `block in on' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `block in trigger' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `trigger' app/models/post_mover
ArgumentError (Empty list of attributes passed) lib/plugin/instance.rb:522:in `block in on' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `block in trigger' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `trigger' app/models/post_mover
ArgumentError (Empty list of attributes passed) lib/plugin/instance.rb:522:in `block in on' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `block in trigger' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `trigger' app/models/post_mover
NoMethodError (undefined method `title' for nil:NilClass) app/models/reviewable_queued_post.rb:166:in `perform_revise_and_reject_post' app/models/reviewable.rb:331:in `public_send' app/models/reviewab
NoMethodError (undefined method `title' for nil:NilClass) app/models/reviewable_queued_post.rb:166:in `perform_revise_and_reject_post' app/models/reviewable.rb:331:in `public_send' app/models/reviewab
ArgumentError (Empty list of attributes passed) lib/plugin/instance.rb:521:in `block in on' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `block in trigger' lib/discourse_event.rb:12:in `trigger' app/models/post_mover
ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique (PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_topic_tags_on_topic_id_and_tag_id" DETAIL: Key (topic_id, tag_id)=(2907, 1) already e

For sidekiq I don’t know where to look exactly. Isn’t sidekiq handling e-mails? Does it have anything to do with notifications?

Okay I will try to uninstall every one of them and rebuild in the meantime.

Here are the extensions I installed before this problem started (it started the exact day):

  • Who’s Online
  • Cakeday
  • Signature
  • Adsense
  • ActivityPub (I deleted this completely and rebuilt since I couldnt disable this)

As a theme component:

  • GIF

EDIT: I forgot to add couple more of them

  • Discourse Private Topics
  • Discourse Force Moderation