Open in a specific forum by default in Discourse Hub

Currently, I have only one forum in my discourse hub, so I don’t find this screen very useful.

My wish workflow would be:

  • the user clicks on the app icon
  • loads and opens the forum in the latest tab – this happens today when I click on the forum.

Currently, my workflow is:

  • the user clicks on the app icon
  • have to choose where to open(new/unread/team/latest)
  • click on the forum

This feature could be opt-in; the user could be asked when first adding the forum if they want to open it by default.

All other functionalities should not be affected. If I want to access another forum, I would click the down arrow and return to the hub home screen.


And this is where your problem started :}

Time to use



I’m still configuring the mobile app—I started using it a few days ago. I’ll add more forums with time, but I feel that even if I had more forums, I would like very much to open a specific one because I mainly use it.

On a side note, adding Discourse Discover to the home page(of the app) would be a nice feature.


This is a GREAT idea, please break this out into another feature or I will!

And apologies for being flippant, but I actually agree with OP (voted up!)

It might be nice to default to first community for those that only ever intend to add one community (I have users like that) so long as it’s clear they can add more (somehow?) and there’s some kind of reminder?


I think this was already mentioned


I like this idea, my only concern is usability with multiple sites, I can see one of them loading by default be surprising to users…

But for the edge case where you only have one site, this makes sense.


Yeah, I was thinking in the case when I get a notification for a X forum but my default is Y forum.

It could get annoying to open on Y instead of home.

Clicking on the notification is for me the default, but I know some users that see the notification and go click on the app icon to check it out.