Can’t add new forum to DiscourseHub

iPhone/iPad and DiscourseHub: I can’t add new forum unless it is on Discover. So I think there is one + sign missing.

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Same appears to be the case on Android.

Was this a deliberate feature change? Hope not!

Ah. I think this might have been a deliberate change.

I could be wrong but I believe you can add an arbitrary Discourse and it doesn’t have to be in the discover list.

You do so now on the new screen:

So the Discover tab now serves both purposes.

I’d argue this is not perfectly intuitive, especially for existing users.

Try here

This report concerns the app not the website.


ux or support would be better?

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ux imho.

Looks like the feature is there and working.

They have simply removed the feature from the first tab.

In some ways the new solution is better but could perhaps have been more obvious? :thinking:


There may be other technical thing too that could work better — seaching.

I couldn’t find anything when searched but worked (of course, it is an exact form).

If it would be as… fuzzy (sorry, can’t remember term of searching part of words) than what forums use finding relevant hits could be easier.

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I see a button to add the site when I enter the url:

Yeah, on Discover side when that forum is found. So it is for them who knows how the Hub works. For new comers it is not do obvious that adding a forum is in different location where connected forums are. So Home isn’t the place where head, it is Discover instead (plus UI of the Hub is in English, of course)

For new comers there is a button at “home” which takes them to discover to add communities. (By the way, that is also localized)

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Yes hence my prior Post.

But it’s not obvious like the plus button was.

I think this change mostly impacts existing users who are used to a different workflow.

Now I know. :sweat_smile:


Well, I didn’t find way to add new forum. Mostly because

  • it wasn’t there where it was last time I used
  • Discover is, and has been avertized as such, a showcase room or window
  • the search (only translated text) tells give adress of your site
  • search didn’t work as expected

Sure, I’m not a pro, but not pure end user either (ok, sometimes I ask really stupid questions :rofl:) and if adding new forum wasn’t obvious

  • it wasn’t obvious for me [1]
  • I claim it will not be obvious for new user when trying add second forum after time period X

  1. a classical support situation what I’m teaching almost everyday: if an user says it didn’t work then it really didn’t work, no matter if wrong button was clicked; different thing than a customer is always right, because they are mostly wrong ↩︎