Open the login popup Or trigger event when button is pressed

Thanks for sharing your code :+1:

If you want the login / sign up modals to show up directly, then you need to use the built-in showLogin and showCreateAccont actions.

So instead of this

  { type: "button" },
    { href: "/signup" },
    helper.h("span.d-button-label", "Tham Gia")

you should use something like this for the signup modal

helper.attach("button", {
  label: "sign_up",
  className: "btn-primary btn-small sign-up-button",
  action: "showCreateAccount"

or this if you want the login modal

helper.attach("button", {
  label: "log_in",
  className: "btn-primary btn-small login-button",
  action: "showLogin",
  icon: "user"

I should also note that I think adding a banner - for anon users - below every post with the signup / login buttons is very user-hostile and I would recommend against doing that. However, I don’t know much about your use-case here. Have you considered adding the banner / image at the top of your site instead of adding it to every post?