Options for File Sharing

I am considering Discourse for a small, private community where file sharing might be required. I know people can attach a file, but it there any Library function that groups files together? Either inherently or as a plugin or integration with an outside thing (Dropbox, Google Drive)


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Can you explain what you mean by this, perhaps with an example?

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Thanks for the reply!

That users could have a link and go to a “File Area” that then had folders where like documents are grouped and organized. So it would be like a Google Drive but much more limited, just an area to collect reference documents that are of use broader than any one thread. (Not to edit them, just reference, probably mainly PDF).


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@codinghorror any thoughts?

It’d be best to set up those areas in a dedicated file sharing site, then provide links to them.

Discourse just isn’t built with the idea of being a file sharing tool as a primary use case.


Thanks, that was what i was thinking but thought maybe there was an extension or a specific integration of one of the services.


It seems to work for images only, but something like this might be related to your request



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