Hi, I have my homepage at https://community.bookbrowse.com/, I know I can limit the number of subcategories displayed under the parent category using CSS but I was wondering if I could change the way they’re displayed so it’s in post or date created order (with the most recent first?) with the current setting it will show the oldest subcategories first which I don’t want:
You can manually set the order that subcategories are displayed in by Reordering categories and setting fixed category positions.
Discourse typically orders categories based on activity, with the most recently active categories appearing at the top of your categories page and in the main navigation category dropdown. However, you can set fixed positions for your categories if you prefer a custom, static order.
Hi Sara, thanks for replying! I’m unmarking the solution because I am referring to the layout of subcategories under the parent category on the main categories page. Currently this seems to be hardcoded to only show the categories in date created order, with oldest being first:
I was able to apply some css to make it so only the last 3 are displayed, however it would be nice to be able to set the order to most recently posted first, as you mentioned. If there is a setting to update the order of subcategories under a category on the main category page, or if this is a bug and the order should be by most recently updated in the category view, please let me know.
Within the book clubs category, the subcategories do display most recent first, as intended, just not on the main category page / home page: https://community.bookbrowse.com/
If custom category ordering is turned on (as Sara pointed out), you can reorder also the subcategories.
As you can see, we have the last edited topic in the #start
category, but in the list of categories it is still in the original fixed place.
Right, but I like the default setting of most recent first within the category page(ex: Book Clubs - BookBrowse Community Forum) but on the home page / categories page (ex: https://community.bookbrowse.com/) the default is based on date created, which seems like a bug / poor design. I had to manually apply CSS to only show the last 3 created, which still isn’t ideal. Hardcoding isn’t great either because I would like the most recently engaged with subcategories to be at the top.
So you are talking about a discrepancy between the Subcategory List Style
set in your category and the main page display style.
I guess these are totally independent settings that were probably not designed at the same time by the same people. So it might be a valid question.
Yeah exactly, I imagine most people end up hardcoding the order so it’s typically a nonissue but I’m essentially creating a new subcategory a week so it’s a little annoying, plus my strong preference is to have the order be engagement based because some discussions end more quickly than others and I want to avoid the admin burden of updating the order.
And it’s interesting that hardcoding the order applies that setting to the main page but the defaults are different.
I have this same question too. How to set the order of subcategories shown on the main page. (I’d also like to format them to much larger rows, but that’s a different issue)
Is there a solution other than hard-coding?