Pageviews from Anonymous Users have exploded but Google Analytics showed no traffic growth. How to find about where the increase come from?

Instead of repeating this time and again, it’s worth spending time on finding “why” those rogue bots didn’t affect such ginormous businesses that are being discussed.

Its not some newbies or enthusiasts you’re dealing with.


Back on topic, our container ships with NGINX.

You can look through NGINX logs and see what IP the traffic comes from, what the user agent is and see a REFERER if it is there.


@sam thank you for offering the proper action items we can take on our side. I’ll communicate with our engineers and see what we can find from the NGINX logs. Will report back if we see anything unusual.


In a bit of a twist, when I went to check the logs, there was a missing nginx log in the rotated files. So now I cannot know what happened in the period where @zhenniwu noticed the bump was happening.