Make the OneDrive File Picker available as a button on the Discourse composer so that users can insert shareable links to OneDrive files into Discourse posts.
My organisation has 20 staff with OneDrive accounts, most with access to a shared Sharepoint docs folder where we store most of our files.
I’d like these staff to be able to easily share files with other platform users, so that these other users who do not have accounts under our Microsoft account, have not been individually granted access to a file, and may not even be logged in on, can still view a file if it is shared as a link on our Discourse instance.
Please begin by making the crudest possible proof-of-concept prototype so that we can verify that the basic concept is sound. e.g. that the users can use the picker to access files on the shared folder and create shareable links for them.
Once the concept is demonstrated to work, we can look at refining the UI and refining the formatting of the inserted link.
It’s not urgent.
I’m assuming this is 5-10 hours for an experienced javascript developer familiar with Discourse, and I’m happy to pay professional rates for this. Given that, I’m hoping this will cost $250-500.
And of course the Discourse docs suggest using onToobarCreate() to add a button like this.