What would you like done?
I am setting up a private community.
I am after setting up USER access via Zapier based on ADDED TO LIST in ActiveCampaign.
- I can have users tagged or added to a list (group) in ActiveCampaign (AC).
- AC is already connected with my Zapier account.
- I have 6 levels (groups) of users.
- Group A, B, C… etc.
- And I wish to give them access to specific categories based on the group/level they belong to.
- If a group (trust level) does not have access to a category, I would prefer that they do not see any posts from that category. Or that category is hidden. However, if we cannot hide those categories completely, I don’t want them to see the content in those categories.
- Trigger : When a new contact is added to Group A in AC (or added to a list in AC) ==>> Zapier to give Access (i.e. send invite email) to add a user to a specific group.
- So when they log in, they only see the categories they are authorised to see.
- I have certain subscriptions & products with payment plans as well.
- I would need to set up another trigger (zap) to revoke/suspend access when payment is declined or cancelled.
I don’t expect you to set up zaps in zapier or set up my categories.
I am after some video instructions showing me how to do this step by step.
- What do I need to do in discourse, or what settings do I have to have to categorise users in discourse.
- And how to set up the zap in Zapier. I have been using Napier for a while, but I still cannot figure out what needs to be done in discourse.
- And if I get stuck, you can at least respond to my query so I can get this up and running.
I have never used Discourse, and I would appreciate this help.
Please let me know how much would you like to charge, and I can pay you via PayPal.
When do you need it done?
I need to get this down ASAP because my trial is about to end. And unless I am sure that this can be done, I cannot signup for a paid plan.
What is your budget, in $ USD, that you can offer for this task?
I am not sure how much would something link this costs, but please let me know what you would like to charge.