[PAID] Theme or plugin to transform links made to specific URLs / domains

What would you like done?

I need a theme or plugin creating which transforms specific URLs in posts.

For example, if a user creates a post and uses a link to https://example.com then this link should be transformed so when anyone clicks on it they are taken to https://example.com/affiliate/my-code

Some other possible combinations:


Those should also be transformed so when clicked they are taken to https://example.com/affiliate/my-code

An exclusion is required where the user post a link to a specific page on that site.



Those should not be transformed and should take people to that page when clicked.

The https://example.com/affiliate/my-code currently onebox’s just fine so this onebox compatibility must be maintained.

The solution should be easy to install, either via the Discourse admin control panel or via adding a GitHub repo to app.yml

When do you need it done?

Delivery by the end of August 2024 is a deal breaker, I cannot move this date :slight_smile:

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

GBP£250 / EUR€290 / USD$317

I can help with that. I’ll send a pm.


This project can be marked as delivered.

Thanks @pfaffman :slight_smile:


Thank you! My intent is to make a more general purpose version available publicly (without the URL hard-coded).

I decided that this has broader use that I first imagined, so it’s now available on github. See Discourse-affiliate-linker - Plugins and Themes - Literate Computing Dashboard to see it in use, and Real Soon Now it’ll be in theme-component .

@Richie you might check out this version, as there’s some chance that I’ll maintain it since at least I am using it.


This is great.
Is it ready for use? Can it be used for Amazon Referals\affiliates?

Why don’t you use the Discourse Affiliate plugin?


Right. And this won’t work at all for Amazon referrals, as it works only for links to the home page.


If you’re unable to use the Discourse Affiliate Plugin

This theme-component can likely be modified. Though not sure if it can modify Amazon short links

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