Affiliate link functions - rewrite

Hello all,

Thinking of getting a forum, possible ways to monetise with display ads. Also looking at affiliate.
If any user posts a link are we able to inject the affiliate link - destination remains the same, just that we add our own tracking link.



A quick search turns up some plugins that you may find useful:

If you’re unfamiliar with how to install plugins, this guide can help: Install plugins on a self-hosted site

good luck!


If you’re talking about for something other than Amazon, I have a theme component that does it in what I thought to be a strange way. It would need to be changed to work for anything other than the home page for the site.

You’re welcome to fork it, or, if you have a budget, contact me and I’ll consider either modifying the above component or making an other one for you (depending on which makes more sense).


There is also


thanks, yes, saw ones for amazon but this is for any link so what would happen:

  1. user posts link
  2. system checks if it’s one of our active affiliate partners
  3. link is amended

thanks looking for something more custom - not ebay/amazon - more any outgoing sites that we have as partners which could be dozens of sites

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Thanks Jay, possibly something like this.
I’m in discovery phase for a new brand/site and forum a key component.
we would have dozens of affiliate partners.
so a user may post with a root domain
or a deep link

in every link case we would want to cross check to see if it’s an affiliate partner - and if so change the link to an affiliate (tho still on face of it, showing the clean link - for various reasons, but we’d be clear that we have affiliate links to user).

what do you think

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As I said, the theme component that I linked would need to be modified to work for deep links–it was specifically developed not to work for deep links. As a theme component, it works in the browser. This has advantages of not needing to rebake posts when affiliates are added, removed, or changed. You’re welcome to contact me or ask in marketplace.

A plugin could be better since it wouldn’t be re-writing the URLs in the browser, but it would be more complicated since it would require rebaking posts when a change was made affecting those posts. Maybe $1000 +/- $500?


As @pfaffman said his component or the eBay affiliate component that @Moin linked would be good candidates as a starting point for a custom theme-component to meet your needs.


Thanks so much Jay! Appreciate you coming back and detailing things.
Great it all sounds pretty doable. I’m scoping out the whole biz model for it. If we go ahead, I’ll absolutely contact you.


thanks Dan