Personal Wiki Page

So, TL3+ users can make their personal post wiki that is editable by TL1+ users.

If someone makes a post wiki that means that post was most likely more important than others.

However, these posts do not appear separately in their page to be found out.

I think it would be good if the Discourse team think about adding something like this.

There are options to help discover wiki posts by using a little organization. I can think of a few methods:

  • Create a Wiki category.
    FYI, an option is to enable and use the default Lounge category if you want personal Wikis to be more elitist.

  • Use a Wiki tag

  • Use Wiki in the topic title.
    Users can search on topic titles so using “wiki” in the title will make them more discoverable.


I don’t think that is exactly what I asked.

Yes, it’s not what you asked.

Your development request is not likely to get any support as, AFAIK, there is no real demand for this and no Discourse customers are asking for it. So I suggested options to expose wiki posts in ways that can be achieved already.


Hmm, Just dropped it for consideration.

Thanks for your reply by the way.


Another way may be to tag wiki posts with word “wiki” so you can yet put your wiki post in any category and search all wiki posts with that tag.

You need to tag wiki posts manually.

May be in future releases the system could tag wiki posts with a wiki tag automatically in order to make them easy to search for. It should be easy to implement.

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Using the advance search you can get all wiki posts from a category (and add more filters if you want).

This are for example all wiki posts in the category feaure here in meta: