Photos posted on Discourse don't match the same colors as photos posted elsewhere

Oh sure.
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Okay, so here are the pictures recompressed by Discourse…

And copies of the original ones here (links only so they aren’t downloaded on Discourse):

Aaaand there are no difference here :thinking: :thinking:

And looking again on my test forum here I uploaded the pictures, I see no difference either. Eh.


Yes, that’s exactly how they look in my album but if I post them on FTC they will look lighter and duller. This is something that happened with my old iPhone and is now happening with this iPhone which I’ve had for less than a year. Could it be that the automatic iPhone upgrades are effecting the compatibility? Or is it a Discourse server problem? I don’t know. But I do know that it doesn’t happen on any other medium like IG, text or email (like the above photos), etc. only Discourse hosted sites. Thanks!

Look you can see the difference when I post them from my photo album as opposed to when you post them. They’re not as bright & colorful. Weird.

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It may come from their files settings. It would be handy if they could communicate this information to you (every changed setting in “uploads” from their admin panel settings).


You mean Food Talk Central needs to communicate this information to me and I pass it on to Discourse?

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Yes, that might give a clue, but who knows, this is a weird issue :slight_smile:


Okay I linked him (@rlauriston) to this thread. Thanks!

Idk what you did or maybe @rlauriston on FTC did or a combination of both but it appears to be fixed. Thanks Y’all!

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I didn’t do anything. Which browser do you use?

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Is this relevant?

Personally I’d switch to Firefox.

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If Safari resizes the picture, it should not alter the colors. I don’t think it would be the cause.

If you still encounter the issue @TheCookie1, it might be worth trying with several browsers anyway, just in case. :person_shrugging: