Plugin to validate a text type custom field value

I have a custom user field to hold the projectid of the project the user is a member of.

Purpose: a user that enters a valid (paying) projectid has access to rich content categories.

Checking whether the projectid entered by the user corresponds to an existing projectid is fairly easy:

# Define the method to check the custom field
def validate_projectid_customfield
  # Custom field key and predefined list
  custom_field_key = 'projectid'
  predefined_list = ["558", "963", "819"]
  # Get the user's custom field value
  user_field_value = self.custom_fields[custom_field_key]

  # If the value is not in the predefined list, raise an error
  if !user_field_value.nil? && !user_field_value.empty?
    unless predefined_list.include?(user_field_value)
      # Raise a validation error that Discourse will understand
      WHAT TO DO HERE?  

At the moment I have the following code in place of ‘WHAT TO DO HERE?’

self.errors.add(:base, I18n.t("user.project.invalid_value"))

But that does not seem to work.

If I take the profile page and fill in a value (right or wrong) the system first reacts with “Saved!” immediately followed by “500 Internal Server Error”.

Maybe it is all due the wrong code at the start?

after_initialize do
  add_model_callback(User, :before_save) do

Can anyone help me out or direct me to the right documentation?


I know for sure that this piece of code is what causes the 500 Internal Server Error:

Is there anybody out there who can tell me how to get at the user field value of a custom field?

Other peices poeces of code that aren’t workijg either:

custom_field_value = self.user.reload.custom_fields[custom_field_key]
custom_field_value = UserCustomField.where(user_id:, name: custom_field_key).pluck(:value).first

Any ideas / pointers to documentation pr code?