Post 3.5.1 update - CPU maxed out 100%

Never seen this before post update, load is up and CPU maxed to 100%

Disk is is at about 52% and memory 70%

Other than a bug or droplet side issue.

My only though was what was different during this upgrade was the two steps due to the PostgreSQL upgrade and thus maybe the CPU is being utilised for something related to the PotgreSQL upgrade that’s running some processes like an indexing routine?

However the Discourse is operable via browser and performance feels relatively normal.

when was the last rebuild? recommend you do one right now.

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About an hour or two before this post.

I can see 3 postgres in HTOP using 46/47% CPU each and a fourth using about 5%

I will rebuild in a few mins.

Maybe it’s related to the PostgreSQL 15 update. Database will need a while to collect stats.

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Rebuild has worked and calmed things down so far.

I do not see those postgres process in HTOp or at leat they are not anywhere near the top like before.

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