Post Edits Two Wrenches, Two Features

Hi @kOS :wave:

Can you share what exactly confuses you between the two wrenches? They aren’t editing features per se? They are (as I see it for the most part) moderation features.

I’m sorry if it looks like I’m preaching to the converted here… :sweat_smile:. The easiest way to remember what each wrench controls is by the placement.

The :wrench: on a post is for posts. For example adding staff colour to a post
The :wrench: in the topic is for actions surrounding the whole topic instead of a certain post. For example, unlisting.

Unless you are referring to:

  • the pencil icon (on the post)
  • make wiki (in post admin actions)
  • enable shared edits (in post admin actions)

All of these do slightly different things (one is a plugin) You can read more below:

Each admin wrench (post & topic) serve a specific purpose so in my opinion it would be a bad idea to merge them together.