'Post stream' refreshing for no reason and in looping

Uncaught Error: [object Object]
    at post-stream.js:372:15
    at k (rsvp-DaQAFb0W.js:412:15)
    at w (rsvp-DaQAFb0W.js:398:7)
    at f (rsvp-DaQAFb0W.js:347:3)
    at invoke (index.js:264:14)
    at m.flush (index.js:180:11)
    at g.flush (index.js:334:19)
    at $._end (index.js:762:32)
    at $.end (index.js:565:10)
    at $._run (index.js:806:14)
    at $.run (index.js:600:17)
    at d (index.js:103:22)
    at push.68569.t.error (ajax.js:163:7)
    at l (jquery.js:3223:31)
    at Object.fireWith [as rejectWith] (jquery.js:3353:7)
    at C (jquery.js:9629:14)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery.js:9888:9)

Sometimes this json /t/ID.json bring an error 429

Maybe something related about activitypub so every time that someone type a post it will sending to fediverse immediately this say someting?

Are you using cloudflare without the cloudflare template or some other reverse proxy?

Nope, a couple weeks ago everything was fine.

So if you check people’s ip addresses they look right (different)?

Yep IPs through on MaxMind a while seeing now when click in ‘liked’ some post this error dont happen but still refresh the content twice

Can you give us the URL where it happens please? Is it public?

One thing you can try otherwise, in the network tab of the browser console, you should see the network calls and theres a column named initiator, try to mouser over the link:

You should see something like this, that could help us to identify where the call is coming from.


When I said refreshing the content it is happening to any action like reply or like

And Yes I am using Cloudflare with template and MaxMind but this it’s new to me this reload for no reason and many times for nothing

Look how page scrolling to down when I use button liked and back again to the top page for none reason

I tried to sign up on this forum and I can’t repro the issue, can you try without browser extensions and maybe with a different browser?

I see you’re getting a 429 error, this is a rate limit.
Do you happen to have many browser tabs open to your forum?

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Edge Browser I installed Chrome again and the same issue even all extensions disabled

Nope just one tab open! rate limits reloading my threads why? many requests for a simple action as like?

I did same thing here Softwares Governo Federal - Off-topic - Diolinux Plus and his thread don’t reload when I click at like button.

Maybe some plugin? or idk I changed spinner to default and nothing

When I click at like button this json loaded once for each click https://segredin.com/message-bus/eefce75e3da24abf9472b86b74bf8a38/poll

And json that contains all info topic is request many times for some reason


Console returning nothing new till now

@Edit Experimental new new view groups Enable rich text paste Lazy load categories groups I was disabled this things and voilá solved. I’m stupid! sorry guys.

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Can you check which of these three did the trick?

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Checking now, wait a minute

Actually this reloading is happening only when ‘like action’ is done at original topic cause in replies nothing happen how I expect even i disabled this experimental function I have not idea why this happening.

recent console logs

Can you go into safe mode and see if that resolves the issue? I suspect it’s one of your many theme components that is causing the issue.


I’ll try this today.

Okay, Activitypub its the trouble I disabled and works normally now.

Please update to the latest version of the ActivityPub plugin and the issue will be resovled.