PostgreSQL Details


I was wondering how do you access Postgresql details? Like where would I see the pw and the user for instance? I know the rest of course.

Take a look at this Topic, it gives you the series of commands you need about half way down:


I didn’t expect it to be this of a big deal to just get password and username lol

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Assuming you have a standard Discourse docker installation, you can connect to the postgres database with the postgres user. No password needed:

cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
su postgres
\c discourse

If you want to list all users you can run \du


I wished to access from a desktop app like DBeaver, which is why I was curious. Obviously I don’t want to force change the user password as it would break the community.

Never used DBeaver before but I think it should work with an empty password Connection without password is not supported · Issue #6269 · dbeaver/dbeaver · GitHub

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Hmm, that might work but I also received “FATAL: password authentication failed for user “discourse””

Try with postgres as the username.

                                   List of roles
 Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of
 discourse |                                                            | {}
 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

It must be discourse, but then it should be something with the authentication.

We configure the database to trust and allow connections from the same IP without a password, so there isn’t a password for you to find.

If you have a standard Discourse install, you will need to:

  • change the app.yml configuration to expose the 5432 port to the external world

  • create a new username/password pair that has read access to the tables you want


Yeah, the port expose was clear in the first place.

Uhm, I have no idea why I didn’t think of the new user lol, that worked. Thx

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Consider the data explorer plugin, much less hassle!

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I see your idea, the reason I went with DBeaver, is because I deal with more databases beside of Discourse’s, so that’s why decided to do this way.

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Sure that makes complete sense. I’d have done the same had I not become more familiar with discourse’s ecosystem.

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