Will these settings provide a way to:
not show any visible sign on a post (or to the member who made it) that it has been flagged, where it was flagged by 1 or 2 members (not enough to hide), and regardless of their weighting?
keep notification set so that one flag notifies via email?
In other words, and I say this not from Ludditism or reluctance to change, to be able to set flags to act as they did before?
I have tried seeing how this new system settles in and it’s really not working for us at all, and is actually now creating tensions between members, and deterring people from flagging at all.
The forum I moderate discusses a lot of highly subjective topics that people take to heart, so the policy we had was to flag if you even suspect a post may be steering things in a negative direction.
This made it easy to catch things early, before they needed more than a guiding post or a friendly chat by PM, and it was working fantastically well, members were enthused about having this ability, and uptake has been incredible, as I described before here.
We could assure people that flags were confidential and nothing negative would happen, whereas now, people are posting “Who just flagged me and why?” which totally undermines the way this worked, and leaves a bad feeling for the person who cast the flag, as well as the one who receives it.
Members were also aware it took 3 flags for a post to be hidden and Regulars were frequently working together, as a team, when a post needed that. and were fully engaged in their role as member-moderators.
And due to this active engagement with moderating, some were even attuned for duplicate accounts, where they knew for example someone had been banned before, and willing to flag a post where they suspected it might be the same person, then comment on the flag for Staff to see that they suspected a duplicate, which was often correct – but now, random members are sometimes posting or PM-ing, asking “Why was a totally non-rulebreaking post flagged?”… 
Some of the more volatile members are even turning on each other, accusing each other of “grassing,” or accusing others of malicious use: this has now occurred twice when minor arguments broke out between TL3 members, where normally the flags would just have just silently alerted me the argument existed, but instead it turned into a drama over who was flagging and why.
What should have been a quiet word from a mod to chill out become a public shaming for them, and then a far bigger problem to resolve afterwards. Outsiders flagging any argument just encourage the people arguing to think “that other guy” did it… it’s horrible.
I fully appreciate this change is great for some forums, to alert a member their post has not been well-received, but it is causing severe problems on the forum I moderate, and flags already came with the option to contact that member, for those who want to do this.
So an “alert mods but show nothing visible unless 3 flags” option would be great! 
Not being admin I cannot see the Settings, so I don’t know if that was covered above, but I’ve just now come from another argument about why something was flagged, and am begging for something that resembles the way they used to work before, whereby they were silent unless the member flagging chose to send a message to the author, BUT, they notified mods at each flag cast, so it was very easy to keep an eye on things.