Posts are hidden after a single flag

It seems not, the forum admin didn’t mention doing this when I raised it with them. We communicate, and this doesn’t seem to have a known cause.

I ran some tests to try and define this better:

Posts flagged by TL3 Regular users with 100% down to 62% (I did not test for below that) weighting for Agreed flags, are causing the posts to be hidden immediately by one flag, when those flags are cast for “Off-Topic” and “Inappropriate.”

And a factually incorrect PM is sent to the user whose post was flagged that “Multiple community members flagged this post before it was hidden.”

But flags for “Something Else” seem to act as before, they notify review queue (as it now is) with red icon. But do not hide post/send PM.

These are the types of flag:

This happens even if the user whose post was flagged is TL3, and I wish to emphasise having read around this is not to do with “Spam” flags nor is any abuse or other untoward behaviour occurring.

TL3 members used to be able to chose a flag and it would not automatically hide the post; now, only “Something Else” flags are acting in this manner.

Questions for Discourse:

  1. is it intended that the “Something Else” flag is as different to the others as “Spam” is (insofar as “Spam” immediately hides a TL0 post when cast by a TL3 user)? Hiding a post with a single flag was formerly TL4 privilege, it would be helpful to get some insight, please

  2. will admins adjusting sensitivity in the admin control panels described here end the red icon that is shown to all Staff (mods, admins) on the hamburger when they first log-in? It seems to me that this is only adjusted in “Tuning the Review Queue for High Traffic Forums” but I’d like to be sure of that, please.

  3. if the intent is for one flag to hide posts with weighting and Trust Level factored in, any chance the default PM can be edited please, so it does not incorrectly state multiple people flagged the post? This has caused some controversy on the forum I moderate, as described above.

  4. I have yet to run tests on a created TL2 account at 100% Agreed and find out what that can do with different flag types: can Discourse please give some idea of how weighting works, in non-TL3 accounts?

This is to let members know in the signup PM, and also in the Lounge, how to use their member-moderation abilities to help keep their community civilised.

There may technically be no immediate “problem this will solve” but as moderators are the main people interacting with members over what happens when they flag, and often, working hard to motivate them to do so, some idea of what to expect before a problem lands in our laps would be helpful, please. :+1:

So to recap, two out of three of the non-“Spam” flagging options are now acting in a new way, a bit like the “one flag hides” for TL4, described elsewhere, and I think this may be the root of the questions about this.