In particular, why is the second argument of the _hydrate() method not the result object? Usually, the second argument for this method is the record object that is saved to/retrieved from the store.
Here, when I’m trying to find a record by ID, I will always run into this line:
if (!obj) {
throw new Error("Can't hydrate " + type + " of `null`");
That’s because _hydrate() will be called with result[Ember.String.underscore(type)]. Since my record doesn’t have a property named like the type, that’s always undefined.
@eviltrout If I understand this correctly, for an endpoint plugin-route, the method'plugin-route') would return a response with a plugin_route property (singular) in the responseJson property, but the method'plugin-route') would return a response with a plugin_routes property (plural) in the responseJson property?
Likewise, sending a request for /persons, a response object with a property persons in responseJson is expected, correct?