Preview quoted avatar images flicker in Safari

Since upgrading to 3.x, if I am replying to a topic, and quote someone so the preview image shows their avatar, in Safari/Mac Ventura, the avatar image flickers every time I type a key.


Every time I type a key in the editor, the avatar image flickers.

I tried Chrome, and it does not flicker there.

Hello Peter,

Can you repro the issue on meta?

I tried on Safari (MacOS 13) on meta and didn’t encounter the issue.

No, Meta does not appear to have the issue. So maybe it is resolved post 3.0.2? I’m not sure why else I’d have the issue on my forum.

The only plugins I have are:

It’s hard to see how any of them would affect the issue.

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I am now at 3.0.4 and the issue remains on my forum (

Are you able to do a video capture?
Does the problem persis in safe mode?

Yes, the problem remains in safe mode with everything disabled.

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Meta runs the default tests-passed release channel, not the stable one.

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I think I came across this issue a while ago, but didn’t experience it for a long time.

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Issue remains on my server in 3.1. It seems the flicker is “slower” as in, when I type the image goes away and comes back after a longer delay, so that if I type relatively quickly the image stays blank until I stop typing. But other than that the issue remains annoying.