What would you like done?
We need someone to help us to assist our community development efforts, and make minor theme customizations (as needed) to help us finish the proof of concept for an important new idea for enabling nonprofit journalism.
Our demo will need some minor custom theme work, and possibly a small plugin or two in the short term, but mostly we need a free lancer to help make our demos and proof of concepts work well with existing Discourse tools as we build support for the project with a round of public demonstrations.
We absolutely will want someone to become at least a permanent consultant or full time hire later this year, and we can evaluate each other with these smaller demo projects until then.
If you have any wish to see independent journalism (not to mention Democracy) survive, you will probably like this project. We hope you can help.
When do you need it done?
We’d like to have our first tweaks done over the next 30-60 days. We are not completely sure what they are yet, and an outline is in process, but the jobs will emerge as you help us resolve a decent group and category model for our core mission (which revolves around fairly typical link aggregation and community discussion).
There will also be a need for some basic REST work for posting items from an existing Chrome extension. We will pay you to help us work that out and it will naturally generate more gigs.
What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
No set budget. We’ve been spending as we go, as needed.