PWA Not Work When Add Code In head_tag.html

Dear development team,

I would like to provide feedback regarding an issue I faced with the Progressive Web Application (PWA) feature on my website. When I added the code to the ‘head_tag.html’ file from common, the PWA feature did not work. However, when I moved the entire code to the ‘header.html’ file, the PWA feature worked smoothly.

I would like to suggest that the development team checks and adjusts this issue to ensure that the PWA feature works properly on the ‘head_tag.html’ file as well. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,
Hoàng Phúc from

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What is the exact content you’ve put in the head tag that broke PWA installability?

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Here is a piece of code i used before

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The /* and */ don’t look right.

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I don’t know. But after removing those two comment marks it worked just fine for me.

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3.73763C19.355 3.65669 18.76 3.76888 18.245 4.05712L16.6384 4.96765C16.4707 4.88985 16.3006 4.81731 16.1284 4.75014L15.6049 2.98308C15.4485 2.41348 15.1095 1.91096 14.6398 1.55271C14.1702 1.19446 13.596 1.00028 13.0053 1H13.0038ZM12.4758 3.01008C12.5888 2.92332 12.7215 2.86576 12.862 2.84248C13.0026 2.8192 13.1467 2.83091 13.2817 2.87659C13.4166 2.92227 13.5382 3.0005 13.6358 3.10437C13.7333 3.20823 13.8037 3.33453 13.8408 3.4721L13.8468 3.4961L14.5068 5.71618C14.5486 5.85816 14.6243 5.98787 14.7272 6.09421C14.8301 6.20054 14.9573 6.28032 15.0979 6.32671C15.4894 6.45571 15.8689 6.61772 16.2319 6.81272C16.3683 6.88598 16.521 6.92344 16.6758 6.9216C16.8306 6.91976 16.9824 6.87869 17.1169 6.80222L19.1405 5.65618C19.3078 5.56366 19.5006 5.52817 19.6898 5.55509C19.8791 5.58201 20.0544 5.66987 20.1892 5.80535C20.324 5.94084 20.4109 6.11657 20.4369 6.30593C20.4629 6.49529 20.4264 6.68795 20.3331 6.85473L19.1975 8.8933C19.1231 9.02705 19.0834 9.17732 19.0821 9.33037C19.0808 9.48341 19.1179 9.63434 19.19 9.76934C19.385 10.1354 19.5485 10.5194 19.676 10.9139C19.722 11.056 19.8021 11.1848 19.9093 11.2889C20.0165 11.3929 20.1476 11.4692 20.2911 11.5109L22.5127 12.1574L22.5307 12.1634C22.7146 12.2131 22.8771 12.322 22.993 12.4733C23.1088 12.6246 23.1716 12.8099 23.1716 13.0005C23.1716 13.191 23.1088 13.3763 22.993 13.5276C22.8771 13.6789 22.7146 13.7878 22.5307 13.8375L22.5082 13.8435L20.2881 14.5035C20.1461 14.5453 20.0164 14.6209 19.91 14.7239C19.8037 14.8268 19.7239 14.954 19.6775 15.0945C19.5491 15.4861 19.3865 15.8656 19.1915 16.2286C19.118 16.3648 19.0803 16.5175 19.0819 16.6723C19.0835 16.827 19.1243 16.9789 19.2005 17.1136L20.3466 19.1372C20.4387 19.3043 20.4739 19.4968 20.4469 19.6857C20.42 19.8746 20.3323 20.0496 20.1971 20.1842C20.062 20.3189 19.8866 20.4059 19.6977 20.4322C19.5087 20.4584 19.3163 20.4225 19.1495 20.3297L17.1109 19.1942C16.9772 19.1198 16.8269 19.0801 16.6739 19.0788C16.5208 19.0775 16.3699 19.1146 16.2349 19.1867C15.8674 19.3817 15.4849 19.5452 15.0904 19.6727C14.9482 19.7187 14.8195 19.7988 14.7154 19.906C14.6113 20.0132 14.5351 20.1443 14.4933 20.2877L13.8453 22.5108L13.8408 22.5288C13.7911 22.7128 13.6822 22.8753 13.5309 22.9911C13.3796 23.107 13.1944 23.1698 13.0038 23.1698C12.8132 23.1698 12.628 23.107 12.4767 22.9911C12.3254 22.8753 12.2165 22.7128 12.1668 22.5288L12.1608 22.5063L11.5007 20.2862C11.4588 20.1441 11.383 20.0143 11.2797 19.9079C11.1765 19.8016 11.049 19.7219 10.9082 19.6757C10.5167 19.5472 10.1372 19.3846 9.77417 19.1897C9.6378 19.1164 9.48508 19.079 9.3303 19.0808C9.17551 19.0827 9.02372 19.1237 8.88913 19.2002L6.86855 20.3447C6.70145 20.4368 6.50743 20.4721 6.31854 20.4451C6.12966 20.4181 5.95468 20.3305 5.82002 20.1953C5.68536 20.0601 5.59833 19.8848 5.57208 19.6958C5.54583 19.5068 5.58178 19.3145 5.67451 19.1477L6.80855 17.1091C6.8832 16.9755 6.92313 16.8253 6.92471 16.6723C6.92628 16.5192 6.88944 16.3682 6.81755 16.2331C6.62254 15.8671 6.45754 15.4831 6.33153 15.0885C6.28555 14.9464 6.20546 14.8176 6.09825 14.7136C5.99104 14.6095 5.85998 14.5333 5.71651 14.4915L3.49492 13.8405L3.47542 13.836C3.29145 13.7863 3.12898 13.6774 3.01313 13.5261C2.89728 13.3748 2.8345 13.1895 2.8345 12.999C2.8345 12.8084 2.89728 12.6231 3.01313 12.4718C3.12898 12.3205 3.29145 12.2116 3.47542 12.1619L3.49942 12.1559L5.71951 11.4959C5.86165 11.454 5.99147 11.3781 6.09782 11.2749C6.20417 11.1717 6.28386 11.0442 6.33003 10.9034C6.45754 10.5134 6.62104 10.1324 6.81605 9.76934C6.88896 9.63378 6.9265 9.48202 6.92519 9.32811C6.92387 9.1742 6.88376 9.0231 6.80855 8.8888L5.67301 6.86373C5.58007 6.69672 5.5441 6.50396 5.57055 6.31468C5.59699 6.12539 5.68441 5.94987 5.81956 5.81473C5.9547 5.67958 6.13022 5.59216 6.3195 5.56572C6.50879 5.53927 6.70154 5.57525 6.86855 5.66818L8.89363 6.80372C9.02762 6.8789 9.17837 6.91913 9.332 6.9207C9.48562 6.92227 9.63717 6.88514 9.77267 6.81272C10.1387 6.61772 10.5227 6.45271 10.9172 6.32671C11.0594 6.28073 11.1881 6.20063 11.2922 6.09342C11.3963 5.98621 11.4725 5.85515 11.5142 5.71168L12.1608 3.4901L12.1668 3.4706C12.2163 3.28685 12.3249 3.1245 12.4758 3.00858V3.01008Z" fill="black"/>
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Thank you, I have fixed the code, but the PWA error still appears when the code is in the head_tag.html file. However, when in the header.html file, everything was fixed. ^.^

You are adding div and svg to the head tag? That’s not even valid HTML. Please take a step back and double check what you are doing more carefully.