Question Answer Plugin

I had some time yesterday, so I brought this plugin to a point where it makes a bit more sense.

  • Replies to replies always appear underneath the reply they are replying to in the order they were posted.

  • Replies to replies are indented and smaller (even ‘comment-like’ you might say).

  • You can’t reply to replies to replies.

I’ve attempted to make these changes feel ‘natural’, so:

  • Posts are staged in the order described above;

  • Neither the topic-timeline or its alternate the topic-progress box are added to the topic dom. Both represent the posts in the order they were posted, so they don’t make sense here.

  • 'The show-replies button and the reply-to-tab are prevented from being inserted into post. Both are either don’t make sense or are just visual clutter in this style of topic.
    12 AM57 AM

  • The experience is the same on mobile

Visual example:

Example topic:

cc @supernaturally