Quickly setting default Review filter

I noticed with the latest core version that it’s no longer easy to quickly “reset” the filter in the Review queue. For instance, if I click “flagged posts” in a user’s profile, the filter is permanently set to show only that user’s posts. This means I have to manually identify and revert all non-default settings to return to the usual Review queue view (which is set to display all Pending posts).

Wouldn’t it be better if clicking the Review link in the sidebar automatically cleared the filter? Alternatively, could we have a “reset” button for quick filter adjustments?


+1 for a reset button.

1 Like

Please don’t write +1 to agree with a post. Adding a like or reaction is enough.


I replied, as I agreed specifically with the reset button suggestion, and not with the suggestion to clear the filter by clicking the Review link. If I agreed with the whole post I would have used a like or a reaction.


OK, that makes sense! In future, please add a sentence or two, then. Discourse is not a chat medium and we like to learn from one another.

We are actively improving the review queue so this feedback is very helpful! The more detail we get about where people are feeling held up by the interface the easier it is for us to figure out which improvements are needed.