Rails plugin generator

Newbie note: you must run the generator in the Discourse source directory (that’s /src if you use Docker). Otherwise you’ll just get confusing error/help messages about how the parameters are incorrect for rails new.


There seems to be a mismatch between the plugin generator and this post. Specifically, the Beginner’s Guide suggests to create the javascript initializer with the following directory and naming structure:


However, the plugin creates the javascript initializer at


Personally, I was having issues with the javascript loading after using this plugin until I changed the directory and naming structure to match the Beginner’s guide. Should the package be updated?


Yes would be better indeed.


Yes I had to rename the JavaScript extensions but the structure worked for me.

this thing breaks for me.

Cant help you, you give me no context. What did you type? where did you type it? clean or exisisting state?


I followed this tutorial https://meta.discourse.org/t/beginners-guide-to-creating-discourse-plugins-part-1/30515. Just installed and worked so guess its clean.
I typed:

bundle exec rails g plugin cidian

EDIT: Capitalization matters in ruby. The name of the plugin created by this generator gets to be a ruby class so that’s why a lower case argument supplied to this generator will lead to a broken plugin.

No it’s not clean as you have followed this tutorial to create a plugin, and the error is likely in what you typed while following the tutorial.

The error is very clear to me: mount ::cidian::Engine, at: "/cidian" is invalid. You should fix this in your code.


First of all: I dont know ruby (yet) as I will start from the front end.
this code was produced by this plugin generator. so its not my fault. Its the generators fault. I typed nothing while following the tutorial. I just followed the development environment setup guide for ubuntu. Before running the generator the local discourse instance worked fine.
to be very clear: I am just at the first page of this tutorial. specifically the part that links to this plugin generator.

I just made a massive update to this.


More to come: specific generators AKA add one controller for example, and admin plugins.


Wow! Looks great from the diff (to someone who knows very little about writing plugins). Can’t wait to try it out (but I likely will wait until I get to the office on Monday :wink:)


Hey, @joffreyjaffeux, I just tried it (and did a git pull again and created some more plugins with it after it failed the first time) and I’m getting

/home/pfaffman/.rbenv/versions/2.6.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/actionpack-5.2.3/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb:314:in `block (2 levels) in check_controller_and_action': 'one_two/one-two' is not a supported controller name. This can lead to potential routing problems. See http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#specifying-a-controller-to-use (ArgumentError)

I’m sad because I have a plugin that started with this that I added a bunch of code to before running it. Can you tell me how to fix it? The stuff at that guide and what I found at StackOverflow don’t help me.


oh yes I stumbled on this this other and have yet to fix.

It should be controllers/one_two/one_two_controller.rb I think, not sure given you don’t give all the data


It looks like I found it! The culprit is in config/routes.rb. I changed

 get "/" => "three-four#index", constraints: ThreeFourConstraint.new


get “/” => “three_four#index”, constraints: ThreeFourConstraint.new

and all is well, at least to my naive eye.

How should I go about this?

Trying to use this in my new Deb Environment Windows Subsystem
My Discourse works and runs, but when I try to run

rails g plugin --help

I get

/var/lib/gems/2.5.0/gems/railties-6.0.0/lib/rails/app_loader.rb:53: warning: Insecure world writable dir /home/jose/.rbenv/shims in PATH, mode 040777
Could not find actionview_precompiler-0.2.1 in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

Running bundle install doesn’t do anything (new) and precompiler is in the list of gems.

Is your Discourse server running in a Docker container? If so you need to run bundle install inside the container.

No I don’t think so its a development instance to it was a direct git clone

This worked perfect OOTB.

Thanks for this.

Just ran this this rails generator and created the basic structure for a new plugin, uploaded to git, added it to yml, rebuild the app, and it installed flawlessly OOTB.

Visited the plugin tab, and there she way, fully equipped with an OOTB enable /disable setting. :heart:

Thank you very much @joffreyjaffeux for this easy to use, useful generator.

The only change I made was to do a rm -rf on the included .git directory and re-init git so I could push it to my account; but that was more-than-likely because I’m not very skilled at git and often have to hit git things with a hammer to get them to work as I think they should…

Flawless generator. Thanks again @joffreyjaffeux


Glad it worked for you. To be honest, I should invest time in it, as there are lot of things not working correctly.