Ranked choice polls don't do runoffs correctly

This ranked choice poll has 15 voters. The result says Fantasy won in the first round.

However, it only has a 7 of the 15 votes for rank 1, which is not a majority. Since ranked voting requires a majority, there should be at least one runoff in this case.



@merefield do you want to look at this?

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I will take a look at your issue in time.

Can you please PM me the votes export using the export button (might be under the cog)

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Sorry, I’m not an admin so I don’t think I have that option. Let me know if there’s anything I can do as a regular user.

If you could ask an admin for it I’d be most grateful.

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Raised a PR (currently in draft) for this.

It was a fairly simple bug in the majority check (most of the PR is a new test based on this exact example)

@seanblue let’s discuss in our PM you are happy to move forward with this change.

Once we’ve discussed together, I’ll mark this Ready for Review.


I responded in PM, but everything looks good to me. The admin of this site has been busy lately and never responded to my request for the data, so I appreciate your time investigating it even without the data.


Great to see people using this functionality and nice when people report issues in such detail, making it much easier to track down :+1:

PR has been approved, I guess it will be merged imminently.


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