Ranked Choice Poll does not reflect change of votes in Outcome

We have a ranked choice poll here: [POLL] Final Tokenomics and Block Division - Polls - The Firo Forum

We allow people to change their votes until the close date.

However, when we change our votes, it is not reflected in the Results/Vote tab. I can’t find a way to export the data from the poll even though I’m an admin.

I think this is separate from FIX: poll ranked choice result algo majority check by merefield · Pull Request #28191 · discourse/discourse · GitHub.


Hi Reuben, I’ll PM you to discuss more details.

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So it looks like Reuben had somehow not picked up the recent fix, and it looks as though the outcome of his poll resolved correctly after updating.

I also advised him to add the data explorer plugin or else there will not be a export option. (this is normal)

However, we found a related issue with expanding the list of voters in results (when they number over 25) for ranked choice (the issue does not exist in standard polls)

Fix is here:

@reubenyap this has been merged now, please update your instance and the fix should be present. Please confirm.

Hi, after the update, it still does not show the people that changes their votes.

Clicking the “more/expand” button below each vote only shows it.

Which then switch back to the earlier(SS1) a couple of seconds later.

Can you please share the commit of Discourse you are on, from the dashboard?



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OK, believe it or not, the fix genuinely improved things, but this does need additional work to prevent the updates “resetting” which in Production happens quicker than in dev.

We need to consider carefully how we handle incoming updates after having expanded the voter list.

I’m tempted to freeze the voter list from remote updates once you’ve clicked the button or set a timeout to allow you to inspect the voter list for a limited time before accepting updates from the server.

Thanks for your patience.

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The voter list changes DRASTICALLY though which is beyond what an ordinary vote change is. I think there’s still something wrong.

BEFORE clicking

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After clicking all the buttons: See how it’s a vast shift and people go missing.
Refreshing the page makes it go back to the previous screen.

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The additional PR has been raised:


Just checking, is it expected that before you expand your vote, you don’t see your vote in the votes provided you changed your vote sometime before?

For example I changed my vote a couple of days ago but when I go back to the poll, my vote on the display is listing though it does appear in the raw data.

Hi @reubenyap - didn’t really make sense to investigate further until that fix was merged.

It is now merged.

You should see a significant improvement.

If there is a remaining issue I will follow up in time. Let me know how you get on with this improvement.

The voter list before expanding and after expanding is still different (though consistently so even across different users).

@ajaydono and @Anwar will provide more details.

The voter list being different is expected.

You essentially start with a limited list of voters and once expanded you get more voters.

If votes change (e.g. from rank 1 to rank 2) that would be an issue, but in my testing I’ve not observed that.

Note that once you expand the list, the voting is frozen in the state when you expanded and will no longer be updated in real time. This is currently a necessary trade-off.

Before Expansion

After expansion

Please note this PR was raised and should fully close this issue out for good, having already been tested on the bug raisers instance via a fork of the poll plugin:


Be grateful if we could merge this fix, before the code becomes dated.

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