Rebake all posts matching a pattern

Want to rebake all the posts matching a string or regular expression? Let’s do it!

Access Your Site

First connect to your Droplet via SSH, and enter the Docker container for your Discourse instances:

cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app

Rebake All Posts Containing a Specific String

Run this command:

rake posts:rebake_match["pattern"]

Replace pattern with the string you want to match. Note that the match performed will be case insensitive.

rake posts:rebake_match[":slight_smile:"]

The above command will rebake all posts which contains :slight_smile: in post raw body.

Rebake All Posts Matching a Regular Expression

To use regular expressions instead of specific string matches:

rake posts:rebake_match["pattern",regex]

PostgreSQL uses POSIX Regular Expressions to perform regex matching. The matching will be case-sensitive.

rake posts:rebake_match["(:slight_smile:|Discourse)",regex]

Rebake all posts containing :slight_smile: or Discourse in post raw body.

rake posts:rebake_match["^Today",regex]

Rebake all posts which starts with Today.

rake posts:rebake_match["^(Today|Yesterday)",regex]

Rebake all posts which starts with Today or Yesterday.

Optional: Add a delay between successive rebakes

In case you want to add a 5 seconds delay between successive rebakes, do:

rake posts:rebake_match["pattern",string,5]

Replace 5 with n (seconds) as per your requirement.

Advanced: From the Rails Console

For some tasks the rake task isn’t enough and you have to go to the Rails console. To get to the rails console, you do this from within the docker container:

rails c

Using rebake uncooked rake task

You jump into the rails console just to set the target posts to ‘uncooked’.
Then you jump back out and run the rake posts:rebake_uncooked_posts command.

For example, to rebake a whole category:

rails c
 Post.joins(:topic).where('topics.category_id = 136').update_all('baked_version = NULL')
rake posts:rebake_uncooked_posts

Via a loop in the Rails Console

To get really granular, you can select anything as an array and then use a simple loop to apply it rebake each post directly

Posts from a particular user

user = User.find_by_username('user123')
posts = Post.where (user_id:

posts.each do |p|

Posts with a string in the cooked post

posts = Post.where ("cooked like '%OldCDN%'")

posts.each do |p|

Is there an easy way to uncook all posts/threads that were created before a specified date?