Receiving emails to staff category fails

I have set up a category called “Team Inbox”, which handles emails to a polled email inbox ( It received mails from non-members of the forum and creates topics successfully in the category.

However, I found out today (by checking the email rejection log) that the / “Team Inbox” category isn’t handling incoming emails from registered users.

These incoming emails are rejected because the members don’t have permission to post in the category (it’s designed to be team only).

Any suggestions?

Use a group inbox, not a secured category. Topics created via email from users with existing accounts are treated exactly the same as if the user posted on the site. As such, if a category has security members will not be able to post there.

We blogged about using a group inbox a few weeks ago in How Does Team Discourse Use Discourse?


Thanks @jomaxro - I’ll give the group inbox a go

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