Reducing the frequency of display for the warning "Draft is being edited in another window."

I’ve been getting it in a completely different context, and wrong.

Always on mobile, I’ve reproduced it with both Brave and Duckduckgo on Android, and had a user tell me they’ve seen it with Android Chrome. It’s not 100% reproducible, but probably 50 to 80%.

  1. Start a reply.
  2. Switch to a different app (typically Firefox Focus, but not always) select some text to copy from there.
  3. Return to the Discourse app.
  4. Bam. “Draft is being edited…”

There is no other window. Hitting page reload fixes it. Ignoring it can result in double posts (both apparently complete). I’ve been seeing it for a while. Yesterday I had a double post, because the “Draft” message came up only as I was finishing. Running 2.6.0.beta1 Discourse.

I know you only support Chrome on Android, and I avoid that browser for more privacy enforcing ones. But DDG and Brave are, I believe, basically wrapped Chrome. I never had this issue when I was using Firefox on Android for Discourse, but there were plenty of other issues, mostly cosmetic.


Do you have any thoughts on the above, @sam?


Honestly… not too many, will give it a shot on my ancient android, hopefully it can make this happen.


Recently this message has been appearing for no apparent reason on our forum, is anyone else experiencing this?

Hey @tempogain

I’m also seeing this. It’s only a recent issue


We just upgraded from 2.8.0beta7 to 2.8.0beta11 and have already received several reports of this happening since.


I use a self-hosted forum as a wiki knowledge base. I usually edit the topic several times a month (I’m the only one in the community who edits).

At first, the site was running in standard configuration and everything was fine. This message did not appear for no reason.

Then I connected the site to an external proxy Nginx, so that the traffic became HTTPS protected. And from that moment at least 1 time per day I see this message that the draft is being edited in another window. There are no other windows, nor are there any users editing the topic.

It seems to me that connection to HTTPS proxy caused these messages. Unfortunately, I can’t show all external Nginx settings, because this is forbidden by internal rules.

Maybe this information will help admins or developers to look away from Discourse and look towards the network settings of the environment.

I am getting this error also according to various users, and I am running 2.9.0.beta5.

We’re still seeing the this draft is being edited in another window warning even when those posts are not being edited elsewhere. Many users are saying it happens on mobile, tho for me personally it happens mostly on desktop (I rarely post via mobile). I always thought it was because I have tabs of the forums open on both my iPad and iPhone as well (although these devices are always on their lock screens when I am typing a reply on my Mac).

FYI we have some plans to improve this situation especially for cross device and cross tab edits. @pmusaraj is worked recently on some specification in this area.

I actually saw one of these yesterday … I think the repro may be:

  1. Edit post
  2. Go offline
  3. Continue editing posts
  4. Go online
  5. Edit post
  6. Incorrect warning shows up

Do you mean the main reason, where software itself doesn’t recover cleanly, is unreliable internet/wifi/what-ever connections?

I’ve been having issues with that a lot recently, but without steps 2 and 4.

The warning is shown even when I just rebooted my computer and only have one tab open.


Same here, I don’t go offline and online, just open a new tab:

  1. Create/edit post
  2. Open a new tab (automatically opens the editor again, even in a thread I’m not replying to)
  3. Get the warning

Which is quite annoying when you forget something and need to go reread a post.


I get this. Have done for at least 18 months, maybe 2 years.

My info:

  • only happens on one of multiple forums
  • happens in DiscourseHub app mostly
  • also happens in macOS desktop Safari
  • I never open the same page in multiple tabs, never mind editing the same post in multiple tabs (in fact, it’s not possible to do that in the DiscourseHub app)
  • before the warning message I see a warning triangle in the bottom right under the composer
  • I first reported this 18 months ago to the admin of the forum in question

Also reported recently at the forum in question: "Draft is being edited in another window" - #6 by matt - Playdate Developer Forum

I believe that forum is the only self-hosted forum out of all the Discourse I regularly use.