Regression: No longer able to Reply as linked topic via quote

I noticed that I’m no longer able to do the following in a closed topic:

  1. Highlight a sentence
  2. Click "Reply as linked topic
  3. Open a “New Topic” editor with my quote included.

Instead, this happens:

  1. Highlight a sentence
  2. Click "Reply as linked topic
  3. Page is refreshed.

I’m also unable to:

  1. Reply as new topic
  2. Highlight a sentence
  3. Click “quote reply” to include it in my editor

What happens instead:

  1. Reply as new topic
  2. Highlight a sentence
  3. Nothing happens when I click “quote reply”.

(Mods please remember to test on an unprivileged account :stuck_out_tongue: )

p.s. I could not reproduce this on my own v1.4 stable forum. Can’t test on Try yet because no closed topics there.

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This sounds like a bug for @eviltrout to look at.

Fixed it, thanks!

Well to be honest the second use case was not broken for me – but I suspect it’s fixed by the first one.