Remove "Export your data"

How do I remove the ability to download an archive of my account activity and preferences?
“Preferences”->“Account”->“Export your data” section.

I have hidden this section with css.

Hello and welcome @karlson4ik :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity, why would you want to remove that option? I think most people would consider it a really positive feature.


Customer Requirement.

That’s great, but could you go into a little more detail about what they require and why? I would say that changes like that on a Discourse site should be a considered choice rather than something done on a whim. :slight_smile:

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I don’t know, the customer said this functionality clutters up the interface, there are too many buttons, which gets in the way of users, and it will be difficult for them to make sense of everything.

Hopefully customer doesn’t have any EU-users. And same applies to UK too, I reckon.

I don’t totally, or actually at all, understand that clutter thing, but it is not my role either. I have a meeting with my customer that thinks Stripe as the only paying methor up here in northern Europe is wonderful idea (it is actually powerful method to kill an e-commerce). And there is theirs dev too who just doesn’t care and wasted 40+ hours to build up useless frontend just because of customer’s request. And now I have to convict them not to do a) killing the local business just because something works somewhere where is ancient banking system and b) a customer is not right but is the most of time wrong and need desperately guidance :joy:

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