Hi, I am trying to figure out how to build a very minimal sidebar experience for a client, using only a few lines filled with Custom Hidebar Section Topic; and do not show anything else.
I would also like to also hide the Personal chats items, but i don’t find the corresponding data-section-name.
I hope this was not solved somewhere else… i have tried to make a tour of the support litterature, especially the very good piece of post of @shyguy, without success (at least for a rookie like me).
Tks a lot for any piece of help or advice!!
PS: i am JB and this is my first post on this forum (after a couple of years of presence, and especially on the last 4/5 months). Thanks for this wonderfull community and software!
are you just wanting to hide chat stuff from the sidebar or are you wanting to turn off chat altogether? you can disable chat plugin in admin-plugins-chat-settings.
This is exactly what i was looking for (inedeed, i just want to hide the group & personal chat from the minimalist sidebar and still keep it visible on the top header only)!