Remove the "/" between categories in the website title

I wanna remove the “/” between categories in the website title

In the settings there is no adjustment between Category parent and category child

%{filter} %{category} topic

How remove “/”, thank you so much!

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Tough one, where other than your screen cap does this present itself?

My browser doesn’t show like yours, perhaps its limited both in who can see and in how often, perhaps not such an issue as you notice it to be?

Might be able to prioritize and place it down your list, find out later it didn’t matter, to many customization’s can catch up with you later and be a bigger issue.

Ironic your user name here has a back slash and you want to remove a forward slash too :hugs:


The “/” character is used to separate parent category and child category and it appears on all category pages when filtering categories.

Why do I want to remove this “/” character? Because these titles are a complete sentence created from connecting parent category and child categories. And the page title is indexed by Google, when users search on Google, it will appear that title on the search results.

For example:

  • Filter select: Category parent --> category child 1--> Category child 2
  • Title Category Page :[Category parent] "space" [Category child 1]"/"[Category child 2]
  • I want Google search results: Category parent category child 1 Category child 2
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