Remove category name from google results

When you search for our website in google the results show up like below:
Topic title - category name - website name

how we can prevent the category name from showing and make it like below?
Topic Title - Website name

Are you talking about the things highlighted in yellow?

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No i mean the below:
see topic title, category and website title

We want it like this

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Oh, I see now…

I should also mention that it looks the same on any other search engine.

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This is not customizable at the moment would require a complex plugin.


It’s been 2 years. Is it possible to do it now?

Not really, would require a custom plugin and some patching.

Can you please recommend someone who can do it for me?

I even opened a thread last year: [PAID] Help me remove site name from meta titles

But got no response :frowning:

It’s important for me because I will create a blog + forum type site using Discourse which will get traffic from SEO and for SEO, removing the site’s name from the meta title is a must.

Until that is solved, I can’t use Discourse for my purpose.

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Probably a budget would help there, would recommend you try a $400 budget, I am sure someone like @Ahmed_Gagan could figure out how to monkey patch this stuff in a plugin.

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