Removing the concept of "slugs" for some languages

@fantasticfears I am reopening this cause this needs urgent polish (in fact make this your #1 priority)

Issues I have:

  • If a topic has the test งಠಠง and slug generation method is “encoded” the slug is test-งಠಠง. This is a nasty problem cause the actual UI will cause a fight with the browser. The browser sends over the slug as test-%E0%B8%87%E0%B2%A0%E0%B2%A0%E0%B8%87 and we perform no decoding on our side which leads to an infinite redirect in the topic page, if you hit reload. It feels to me like “encoded” should be always percent encoded.

  • If you change slug generation method there is no way of “fixing” the slug cache in “topics” table. There needs to be some mechanism of clearing out the “slug” column on topics. Maybe if you touch that setting it should automatically null out all cached slugs on topic.

As it stands we are seeing some extreme issues here with infinite redirects and there is not clean way of correcting the customer issues.