Reply as linked topic > behaviour

Hey Folks, newbie here trying out Discourse on the hosted platform.

When replying as linked topic is it possible to set the default ‘Select a category’ dropdown to the current category and limit the options to current and children?

Or at least force the user to choose a category before they save the new topic? I have unchecked ‘allow uncategorized topics’, but it still allows me to save an uncategorized topic.

Thanks all,


Not sure that this would be useful for many people. Use Meta as an example: there is a bug being discussed, and something in the discussion deserves its own discussion (like a new feature), by your suggestion I would not be able to make the “reply as linked topic” in the feature category, I would be stuck in bug.

Thanks for your response.

I understand the limitations of limiting to the current parent - children. But sometimes that would be desirable or maybe if the cats were sorted with current and children at the top, that would suffice.

Apart from that, the main problem is that several times I have replied as linked topic, without setting the category and it places it in uncategorized - even though this option is unchecked in admin. The user wouldn’t be aware of that or where to find it if they did that.

Perhaps being allowed to not set a category when Admin > allow uncategorized topics is false, is a bug? Or maybe I’m doing something wrong.

You are likely an admin and thus immune to that check.


Thanks @cpradio. That did it. I didn’t think of that.

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